Our Vision

To become a support base for compassionate spiritual care, transforming lives and communities by equipping individuals for the ministry of chaplaincy.


Our Values

To operate in the highest level of confidentiality. integrity with compassion, honesty, diligence and respect for all.


Our Mission

To Recruit. Train. Commission. Ordain and Deploy Chaplains in the Seven Cultural Spheres of Society.


Dr.Marie McDonald

As a strategist, Dr. McDonald saw the need to advance the Kingdom of God through Chaplaincy. She launched Global Chaplaincy Center, Bahamas on October 25, 2019 in response to the growing need for spiritual support in the various cultural spheres of society: Business, Family, Religion/Church, Healthcare, Government, Media/Arts & Entertainment, and Education. of the community: Family, Religion, Education, Government, Business, Media, Arts and Entertainment

Dr Marie McDonald
Contact: globalchaplaincy@gccbah.org

Global Chaplaincy Center Bahamas

GCCB is a Non-Profit Organization operating under the laws of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas.
We are a modem-day Chaplaincy consisting of people like yourself who have been
ordained and deployed into the community.
Our Chaplains are:

 • Christians who are committed to sharing the love and compassion of J esus Christ to ail people groups regardless of religion. culture. race, economic or social status.
• Equipped for the ministry of Chaplaincy in the 7 Cultural Spheres of Society: Business. Education. Family. Government. Healthcare. Religion. Media. Arts and Entertainment.

Trauma Services
Grief Counseling
Training of Chaplains
Mentorship in the Schools
Counseling: Clinical and Pastoral
Disaster Response Deployment

is a Chaplain

✓ Sees a need and meets that need.
✓ Provides the ministry of presence.
✓ Leads with compassion in times of crisis. trauma and risk.
✓ Provides spiritual care and religious support without proselytizing.
✓ Provides care and acceptance to all regardless of race. gender or cultural background; and
✓ Listens and helps people work through life challenges.

